“As judges, we went through this, we checked all the boxes, we looked at the criteria, we did all the head stuff. But then I think at some level, we as human beings know on a gut level, we know something great when we see it…and it came down to what was the gut homerun. So without further ado, I would like to say from the bottom of my heart, I am so happy and honored to welcome and congratulate MUSANA.” – Eric Harr, CEO Stand Technologies and Hult Prize Regional Competition Judge, March 12, 2016.
The room erupted with cheers and screams. The home team (HULT San Francisco) had won and we were ecstatic! A more surreal moment I have yet to experience.
The room erupted with cheers and screams. The home team (HULT San Francisco) had won and we were ecstatic! A more surreal moment I have yet to experience.